Bellzelius Icy Spicy C.I.B-J SE UCH DK UCH

Bellzelius Luna De La Reina

luna 2
photo:zoltan sabo


Bellzelius For Your Eyes Only

C.I.B., FI CH, NO CH, SE CH, DK CH, UK CH, Crufts W 2008
Adagio Love Supreme

eyes parning
photo zoltan sabo

 love supream


Bellzelius Gossip Girl

photo zoltan sabo

C.i.B junior 

Shiny Sensation's Extreme Emotions

Riley 5220 5



Bellzelius Hot Stuff 

hot stuff


Bellzelius Know My Name




Bellzelius Knockout



Bellzelius Kick Your Heels




Bellzelius Keep On Truckin'



Bellzelius Keen As Mustard 



Bellzelius King Legacy 




Bellzelius King Creole 





Bellzelius Keep On Truckin'


4 week










Bellzelius Know My Name

3 weeks old

4v copy
4 week 

5v copy

5 week









Bellzelius Knockout 

3 v
3 week old

4 week


5 week










Bellzelius Keep On Truckin'

3 week old

 4v copy
4 week


5 week 








Bellzelius Keen As Mustard

3 week old

4 week


5 week 



Bellzelius King Legacy

4 week 


5v 1
5 week










Bellzelius King Creole

3 weeks old

4 week 


5v 1
5 week 

Bellzelius Kick Your Heels


soya huvud

3v copy

3 weeks

Bellzelius Know My Name


Born 03/29 2023
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Knockout

3 v

Born 03/29 2023
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Kick Your Heels


Born 03/29 2023
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius
Owner: Madelene Thorman 

Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Keep On Truckin'

3v copy

Born 03/29 2023
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Keen As Mustard


Born 03/29 2023
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Pedigree >>

Bellzelius King Creole


Born 03/29 2023
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Pedigree >>

Bellzelius King Legacy

king legacy valp

Born 03/29 2023
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Pedigree >>


Born 29/3 2023, 2 males and 5 bitches
Adagio Olive Drab x Bellzelius For Your Eyes Only




Bellzelius King Creole >>
Bellzelius King Legacy >>
Bellzelius Keen As Mustard >>
Bellzelius Keep On Truckin'>>
Bellzelius Kick Your Heels >>
Bellzelius Knockout >>
Bellzelius Know My Name >>


Bellzelius Jump For Joy

jump for joy 47d 1315

jump for joy 47d 1313

jump for joy 47d 1322
47 days

jump for joy 47d 1315

jump for joy 47d 1313

jump for joy 47d 1322
44 days

boy 1 0348

boy 1 0335

boy 1 0750
5 weeks

boy 1 0348


boy 1 0335

boy 1 0355
4 weeks


hane 1

17 days










Bellzelius Joystick

joystick 1917

joystick 1935
10 weeks

joystick 1757

joystick 1745
8 weeks

joystick 44d 1171

joystick 47d 1208

joystick 47d 1200
47 days

boy 4 0845

boy 4 0870 copy

boy 4 0888
5 weeks

boy 4 0506

boy 4 0499

boy 4 0490
4 weeks


hane 4

4 kopia
17 days










Bellzelius Joybox

joybox 47d 1266

joybox 47d 1279

joybox 44d 1096

joybox 44d 1071

joybox 44d 1090

joybox 47d 1286
44 days

boy 2 0761

boy 2 0787

boy 2 0780
5 weeks

boy 2 0390

2 sida

boy 2 0402
4 weeks

hane 2

 2 kopia
17 days









Bellzelius Joy For Life

joy for life 1847

joy for life 1862
10 weeks

joy for lfe 1721
8 weeks

3 sida

boy 3 0434

3 fram
4 week

3 kopia

hane 3

17 days









Bellzelius Hot Stuff

Lund BOS
11 sep BOB Baby  Vinthundsklubben Lund ,BOS Bellzelius Heartbreaker

bir Ballerup copy
BOB Baby Ballerup Denmark 18 sep 2021
DKK BOB copy
BOB Baby  Denmark 1 Aug 2021 BOS Bellzelius Heartbreaker 

Bellzelius For Your Eyes Only

Image 1

  ÖKL :   Excellent     
  ÖKK :   1     
  BTKL :   2     
  Godkänt championat :   SE UCH
  Domare  SLATYER, WENDYE   
  ÖKL :   Excellent     
  ÖKK :   2     
  BTKL :   4
  Domare 1  DE CUYPER JOS   
  ÖKL :   Excellent     
  ÖKK :   1     
  BTKL :   2     
  ÖKL :   Excellent     
  ÖKK :   1     
  BTKL :   4     


  Domare 1  THORPE MARIE   
  ÖKL :   Excellent     
  ÖKK :   1     
  BTKL :   2     


Bellzelius Heartbreaker

Max best junior ,BOB CAC and end BEST IN SHOW 2  Vinthundsklubben Lund 2022


Max BOS Vinthundsklubben Lund 2021

Lund BOS

Max BOS Padenghe Italy

245013623 10159607386206093 2133150026438500081 n



Bellzelius Joy Ride


4 months old

joyride 47d 1356 copy

joyride 44d 1004 copy

joyride 44d 1020
47 days

joyride 44d 1004

joyride 47d 1356
44 days

the girl 0680

the girl 0691

the girl 0705
5 weeks

309933475 5640879035969736 4159307400281918852 n

309945359 5640879425969697 3573459364323218 n

tik fram
4 week

307850701 5606382306086076 3527047387056292768 n

307836040 5606381946086112 7230475584445132605 n

307741008 5606382062752767 77532996858648441 n
17 days







Bellzelius Joyride

307836040 5606381946086112 7230475584445132605 n

Born Sep 9  2022
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Joybox



Born Sep 9  2022
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Jump For Joy


Born Sep 9  2022
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Joystick

4 kopia

Born Sep 9  2022
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Joy For Life 


Born Sep 9  2022
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Pedigree >>


Born 9/9 2022, 4 males and 1 bitch
Esedra Nearcos x Bellzelius Wotalotigot

nando 8662

 J litter cozy

Bellzelius Joy For Life >> 
Bellzelius Joystick >>
Bellzelius Jump For Joy  >>
Bellzelius Joybox >>
Bellzelius Joyride >>




Bellzelius Icy Spicy
15 months old

nike 2 sep
4.5 months

nike 19 juli

3 m


3 months

6w front

6 weeks


3 weeks







Bellzelius Incognito

puck 4 sep

 4.5 month

4.5 mån

3 months

7.5 w

7.5 week

6w sida

6 week

3 weeks






Bellzelius Icebreaker


Born April 14 2022
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Photo >>
Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Itzy Bitzy


Born April 14 2022
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Photo >>
Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Icy Spicy C.I.B-J SE UCH DK UCH

nike hem


Born April 14 2022
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Iron Man


Born April 14 2022
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Photo >>
Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Instant Access


Born April 14 2022
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Photo >>
Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Independent Love


Born April 14 2022
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Photo >>
Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Incognito

3 weeks


Born April 14 2022
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Iconic


Born April 14 2022
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Photo >>
Pedigree >>


Born 14/4 2022, 6 males and 2 bitches
Shiny Sensation's Two Weeks Notice x Bellzelius Luna De La Reina

Bellzelius Icebreaker >>
Bellzelius Iconic >>
Bellzelius Incognito >>
Bellzelius Independent Love >>
Bellzelius Instant Access >>
Bellzelius Iron Man >>
Bellzelius Icy Spicy >>
Bellzelius Itzy Bitzy >>




Bellzelius Hot Stuff


4 sep mini

mini 14 sep

19 mars

mini 29 okt

4.5 m
4.5 months 

minin 3 month 1 week
3 moths 1 week old.

mni 3 months

 12w S

12w M
12 weeks Old

11w S

11w H
11 weeks Old

8w S

Hotstuff 8H
8 weeks old

6v s

6v h
6 weeks old

178053329 4017856354938687 1507614418768311684 n

5v h
5 weeks ols

174771138 203203751334913 2202528300402948506 n

174645589 2298487153618138 8998147320123641021 n
Four weeks

IMG 3082
Three weeks

168917680 3955322021192121 3814257003446757114 n

168872407 3955321644525492 4881664337684570411 n
Two weeks





















Bellzelius Hold The Line

6v s

6v h
6 weeks old

5v s

5v h


hane h3
Four weeks old

hane 3 2v kopia copy
Three weeks old 

hane 3 h 2v

hane 3 2v
Two weeks old























Bellzelius High Five 

6v s

6v h
6 weeks old

5 v st

5v h
5 weeks old

hane 2

hane h 2
Four weeks old

hane 2 2v
Three weeks old

hane 2 4 v

hane h2 2v
Two weeks old























Bellzelius Hidden Assets

6v s

6v h
6 weeks old

5v s

5v h
Five week old

hane 1

hane h 1
Four weeks old

 hane 1 2v
three weeks old 

hane 1

hane h1
Two weeks old























Bellzelius Heart Breaker

max 4 sep

20 mars

19 okt

4.5 m
4.5 months

max 12v
12 weeks


max 3mån copy copy

max 3m
Three Months Old

max 11 w

max h 11w
11 weeks Old

Max 8 week

Max 8 week H
8 Weeks Old

6v s

6v h
6 weeks old

5v s

5v h copy
Five week old

175194819 3995752813815708 8013458011875310807 n

175483080 3995752567149066 7525865220620616373 n
Four weeks

176170472 143509080993674 2864573925618140179 n
Three weeks

 168937470 3955321661192157 8145225497839689152 n

169087183 3955321554525501 3356828070116662052 n
Two weeks






















Bellzelius Hot Stuff
4 sep mini

Born 22 of March 2021
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Photo >>
Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Hold The Line

hane 3 2v kopia copy

Born 22 of March 2021
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Photo >>
Pedigree >>

Bellzelius High Five

hane 2 2v

Born 22 of March 2021
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Photo >>
Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Hidden Assets

hane 1 2v

Born 22 of March 2021
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Photo >>
Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Heartbreaker "Max"

20 mars

Born 22 of March 2021
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Photo >>
Pedigree >>


Born 22/03 2021, 4 males and 1 bitch
Bellzelius Nic Del Rey X Bellzelius You Are The One


IMG 2313

Bellzelius Heartbreaker >>
Bellzelius Hidden Assets >>
Bellzelius High Five >>
Bellzelius Hold The Line >>
Bellzelius Hot Stuff >>




Bellzelius Graphic Design

T6 9v S

T6 9v H
9 weeks Old

t6 8v S
8 weeks Old

T6 6vH

T6 6vS
6 weeks Old

tik 6 5vH 

T6 stå 4v copy
5 weeks Old

T6 4vH

T6 stå 4v
4 weeks Old


3 weeks Old

2 weeks Old






















Bellzelius Gossip Girl


T5 9v S

T5 9v H
9 weeks Old


tik5 8vh
8 weeks Old

T5 6vH

T5 6vS
6 weeks Old

T5 5vH

T5 5vS
5 weeks Old

T5 4vH

T5 4vS
4 weeks Old

3 weeks Old

tik5 2v
2 weeks Old





















Bellzelius Good Vibration

T3 9v S copy

T4 9v H
9 weeks Old

tik4.8v H

8 weeks Old

T4 6vH

T4 6v S
6 weeks Old

T4 5vH

T4 5vS
5 weeks Old

T4 4v H

T4 4vS
4 weeks Old


3 weeks Old

2 weeks Old





















Bellzelius Give Me Love 

T3 11v H

T3 11v S
11 week Old

T3 9v S

T3 9v H
9 weeks Old


tik3 8v.S
8 weeks Old

T3 6v H

T3 6vS
6 weeks Old

T3 5v H

T3 5vS
5 weeks Old

T3 4vH

T3 4vS
4 weeks Old

3 weeks Old

tik 3 2v
2 weeks Old





















Bellzelius Girl Next Door

T2 9v S

t2 9v H
9 weeks Old

tik2 8vH

tik2 8v S
8 weeks Old

T2 6v H

T2 6vS
6 weks Old

T2 5v H

T2 5vS
5 weeks Old

T2 4vH

T2 4vS
4 weeks Old


3 weeks Old

tik2 2v
2 weeks Old





















Bellzelius Gentle Touch

tik1 9vS copy

T1 9v H
9 weeks Old


tik1 8v S
8 weeks Old

T1 6vH

T1 6vS
6 weeks Old

T1 5vH

T1 5v S
5 weeks Old

T14v H

T1 4vH
4 week Old


sta 1
3 weeks Old

tik 1 2v
2 weeks Old





















Bellzelius Grand Slam

H2 9v S

H2 9v H
9 weeks Old

H2 8vH

H2 8v S
8 weeks Old

H2 6v H

H2 6v S
6 weeks Old

H2 5v H

H2 5v S

H2 4vH

H2 4vS
4 weeks Old


3 weeks Old

hane2 2v
2 weeks Old





















Bellzelius Goodtime Charley

17 months

5 week
5 months old

4.5 months old

4.5 m
4.5 months old

3.5 month
3.5 months old

150780546 3818440011546990 825242664573173973 n copy
11 weeks old

H1 11v H

H1 11v S
11weeks Old

H1 9v S

H1 9v H
9 weeks Old

H1 8vH

H1 8v S
8 weeks Old

H1 6v H

H1 6v S
6 weeks Old

H1 5v H

H1 5v S
5 weeks Old

H1 4vH

H1 4vS
4 weel Old


hane2 sitt
3 weeks Old

hane1 2v
2 weeks Old




















Bellzelius Graphic Design 


3 weeks Old.

Born 01 of December 2020
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Photo >>
Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Gossip Girl 


Born 01 of December 2020
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Photo >>
Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Good Vibration 


3 weeks Old.

Born 01 of December 2020
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Photo >>
Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Give Me Love 

tik 3

3 weeks Old.

Born 01 of December 2020
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Photo >>
Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Girl Next Door

tik 2

3 weeks  Old.

Born 01 of December 2020
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Photo >>
Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Gentle Touch 


3 weeks Old.

Born 01 of December 2020
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Photo >>
Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Grand Slam


3 weeks Old. 

Born 01 of December 2020
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Photo >>
Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Goodtime Charley

17 months

Born 01 of December 2020
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Pedigree >>


Born 01/12 2020, 2 males and 6 bitch
Bellzelius Nic Del Rey X Deep Impact X Bellzelius


 impa 3970


Bellzelius Goodtime Charley >>
Bellzelius Grand Slam >>
Bellzelius Gentle Touch >>
Bellzelius Girl Next Door >>

Bellzelius Give Me Love >>
Bellzelius Good Vibration >>
Bellzelius Gossip Girl >>
Bellzelius Graphic Design >>



Adagio Wotalotigot "Cozy"

cozy 3845

easter eggs 7216


11m 980A4093
Cozy 11 months

 8m 980A1131 cozy 8m
Cozy 8 month

 7m 980A9772 cozy 7 m

Cozy 7 months

5m 980A7751 cozy 5 m
Cozy 5 month

4m 980A7476 cozy 4 m
Cozy 4 months

wotalotigot 980A5857
Cozy puppy 



Bellzelius Fore Your Eyes Only



56 dagar tiken 1759

56 Days Old.

52 dagar tiken 1316

52 Days Old.

38 dagar tiken 0281

38 dagar tiken 0262

38 Days Old

29 dagar tiken 9864

29 dagar tiken 9844

29 Days Old

24dagar tiken 8983


24dagar tiken 8995

24Days Old.

17dagar tiken 8899
17 days old.








Bellzelius Fore Your Eyes Only

56 dagar tiken 1759

56 Days Old.

52 dagar tiken 1316

52 Days Old.

38 dagar tiken 0281

38 dagar tiken 0262

38 Days Old

29 dagar tiken 9864

29 dagar tiken 9844

29 Days Old

24dagar tiken 8983


24dagar tiken 8995

24Days Old.

17dagar tiken 8899
17 days old.








Bellzelius Fire Of Desire

fire od desire rcac


chip 4702


chip 4542

chip 4626

chip 4483


9v hane6 1958

9v hane6 2002

9 Week Old.

56 dagar hane6 1676

56 Days Old.

52 dagar hane6 1484

52 Days Old. 

38 dagar hane6 0653

38 dagar hane6 0604

38 Days Old


29 dagar hane6 9728

29 dagar hane6 0026

29 Days Old


24dagar hane6 9206

24dagar hane6 9242

24 days Old

17dagar hane6 8947
17 days old.








Bellzelius Fortune Cookie

56 dagar hane5 1556

56 Days Old.

52 dagar hane5 1463

52 Days Old.

38 dagar hane5 0601


38 dagar hane5 0780

38 Days Old

29 dagar hane5 9711


29 dagar hane5 9684
29 Days Old


24dagar hane5 9193

24dagar hane5 9200

24 Days Old.

17dagar hane5 8928
17 days old.








Bellzelius Fast And Furious
56 dagar hane4 1645
56 Days Old.
52 dagar hane4 1440

 52 Days Old.

38 dagar hane4 0533

38 dagar hane4 0495

39 Days Old

29 dagar hane4 9663


29 dagar hane4 9669
29 Days Old


24dagar hane4 9144

24dagar hane4 9164

24 days Old.

17dagar hane4 8886
17 days old.








Bellzelius Funmaker


9v hane3 1909

9v hane3 1929

9 Week Old

56 dagar hane3 1629

56 Days Old.

52 dagar hane3 1398

52 Days Old.

38 dagar hane3 0450


38 dagar hane3 0397

38 Days Old

29 dagar hane3 9595


29 dagar hane3 9611
29 days Old


24dagar hane3 9085

24dagar hane3 9115

24 Days Old.

17dagar hane3 8850
17 days old








Bellzelius Famoso Panda

bowie 4378

bowie 4423



9v hane2 1851

9v hane2 1934

9 week Old.

56 dagar hane2 1599

56 Days Old.

52 dagar hane2 1374

52 Days Old.

38 dagar hane2 0380


38 dagar hane2 0363
38 Days Old

29 dagar hane2 9533 

29 dagar hane2 9544

29 Days Old

24dagar hane2 9055

24dagar hane2 9069

24 Days Old.

17dagar hane2 8847 

17 Days Old 













Bellzelius Firecracker 


figaro 5760

figaro 5730

figaro 5700



figge 11v 2480

11 weeks old.

figge 10v 2337

figge 10v 2366

figge 10v 2369

10 wewks old.

b firecracker 2150

b firecracker 2115

b firecracker 2139

9 weeks Old.


9v hane1 1796

 9v hane1 1833

9 week Old.

56 dagar hane1 1693

56 Days Old.

52 dagar hane1 1355

52 days old.

38 dagar hane1 0325

38 dagar hane1 0319

38 Days Old

29 dagar hane1 9493

29 dagar hane1 9886

29 Days Old

 24dagar hane1 9011

24dagar hane1 9016

24 Days Old

17dagar hane1 8840
17days old








Bellzelius Fore Your Eyes Only 


Born 04 of October 2019
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius
Owner: Kim Lindberg and Breeders

Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Fire Of Desire
fire od desire rcac

Born 04 of October 2019
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius
Owner: Anna Tuvebrant

Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Fortune Cookie

17dagar hane5 8928

Born 04 of October 2019
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius
Owner: Daniel Gunnarsson and Veronica Svensson

Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Fast And Furious

17dagar hane4 8886

Born 04 of October 2019
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius
Owner: Fanny Mauritzson 

Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Funmaker

17dagar hane3 8850

Born 04 of October 2019
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius
Owner: Elinor och Henrik Franchetti

Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Famose Panda

17dagar hane2 8847

Born 04 of October 2019
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius
Owner: Yrr Jonasdottir

Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Firecracker

17dagar hane1 8840
17 days Old.

Born 04 of October 2019
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius
Owner: Marita Gren, Marcus Andersson, Mayvor Andersson

Pedigree >>

 Bellzelius Rule The World "Sheldon"

Roskilde DK, sighthound club Ch show 07/09/2019 Exc 2 ck
bellzelius 8046


26/5 Greyhoundklubben Laröd 2 best Baby 
sanne 9796


 Bellzelius You Are The One "Stella"

stella västerår

stella copy

stella 7234

stella 7229

stella 1


stella 3782

stella 8499 13 months
13 months old.

vi2 7472 stella 1 år
1 year old

stella 3457 8m
8 months

stella 5 m 0175
5 months

bruce stella 8729 4 månader
4 months

easter eggs 7139
3 Months old

11 v 6748
Stella 11 weeks

8 v 5351 stella
Stella 8 week

7 v 4596 stella
Stella 7 week

6 v 3992 stella 6v
Stella 6 week

5 v 3485 stella
Stella 5 weeks old.

32 d 3182 

 Bellzelius Enzo Del Rey


 Bellzelius Nico Del Rey

23.03.19 Köge Sighthound Club Show Best Baby and ended the day BIS Baby.

galleri 1027



 Bellzelius Pepe Del Rey


 Bellzelius Ruby De La Reina


 Bellzelius Luna De La Reina

23.03.19 Köge Danish Sighthound Club Show Best Baby Bith

galleri 0872



Bellzelius Enzo Del Rey

19 04 21 vilgot 1818
Vilgot five months.

vilgot flyttar 7575
Last day at home

enzo 8 w 7328

enzo 8 w 7141
8 week

enzo 7 w 6824

enzo 7 w 6830
7 week

enzo 6 w 6551

enzo 6 w 6546
6 week

enzo 5 w 6259

enzo 5 w 6253
5 week

enzo 4 w 5713

enzo 4 w 5718
4 week old

three weeks 5646 enzo
3 weeks old.

one week 5454 boy 1
1 week old.






Bellzelius Ruby De La Reina

greta_bellzelius 3352
Greta 6 months.

greta 0296

greta 0261

greta 10w 7896

greta 10w 7901
10 week old.


Greta 7553
Greta last day at home

ruby 8 w 7394

ruby 8 w 7252
8 week

ruby 7 w 6937

ruby 7 w 6992
7 week

ruby 6 w 6681

ruby 6 w 6703
6 week

ruby 5 w 6397

ruby 5 w 6442
5 week.

ruby 4 w 5840

ruby 4 w 5844
4 week old.

three weeks 5626
3 weeks old.

one week 5521girl2
1 week old.






8 week

Bellzelius Pepe Del Rey

peppe flyttar 7562
Pepe last day at home.

pepe 8 w 7377

pepe 8 w 7204 copy
8 week

pepe 7 w 6901

pepe 7 w 6933
7 week

pepe 6 w 6796

pepe 6 w 6658
6 week

pepe 5 w 6326

pepe 5 w 6370
5 week.

pepe 4 w 5807

pepe 4 w 5797
4 week old.

three weeks 5698 pepe
3 weeks old.

one week 5490 boy3
1 week old.




Bellzelius Nico Del Rey

nico stå

nico gå

nico front

nico exan


nico 1 

nico 2


nico 5


nico 3426

mydog 2748
MyDog Exc 2 Junior with reserv-cac

Nico stenbrott

nico 9 month

showteam 6926

Nico 8 months old.

nico 3684

Nico seven month old.

19 05 20 nico
Nico six months.

nico 16w 0374

nico 16w 0408
16 week

nico 11w 8251

nico 11w 8159

nico 10w new 8104

nico 10w new 8029
10 week old.

nico fåtölj 7580

nico 8 w 7319

nico 8 w 7165
8 week

nico 7 w 6854

nico 7 w 6886
7 week

nico 6 w 6596

nico 6 w 6608
6 week

nico 5 w 6311

nico 5 w 6321
5 week.

nico 4 w 5764

nico 4 w 5746
4 weeks old.

three weeks 5661Nico
3 wewks old.

one week 5475 boy 2
1 week old.






Bellzelius Luna De La Reina

luna västerås

luna västerår



168858463 3951110551613268 8475927011988098418 n

luna 7437

luna 3



mydog 2797
MyDog Best Junior female Exc 1 with Reserv CAC

Luna stenbrottet 9m
Luna nine months, photo Zoltan Sabo.

showteam 7061
Luna eight and a half moths.

luna 3761
Luna seven months.

19 05 20 luna 3177
Luna six months.

luna 16w 0354
Luna 16 week

luna 16w 0367
16 week

luna 11w 8205

luna 11w 8212 copy
11 weeks old.

luna 10w new 8067

luna 10w new 8094
10 week old.

luna fåtölj 7591

luna 8 w 7277

luna 8 w 7286
8 week

luna 7 w 7045

luna 7 w 7054
7 week

luna 6 w 6748

luna 6 w 6734
6 week

luna 5 w 6490

luna 5 w 6510
5 week

luna 4 w 5892

luna 4 w 5883
4 weeks old.

three weeks 5573
3 weeks old.

one week 5515 girl1
1 week old.






                 DK UCH, KBH W 2021, SE UCH

Bellzelius Luna De La Reina

luna västerås

Born 19 of Novemeber 2018
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Ruby De La Reina

greta 0253
16 week old.

Born 19 of Novemeber 2018
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius
Owner: Lina Nowak

Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Pepe Del Rey

pepe 8 w 7377
8 week old.

Born 19 of Novemeber 2018
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius
Owner: Josefin Ronnedal 

Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Nico Del Rey

nico stå

Born 19 of Novemeber 2018
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius

Pedigree >>

Bellzelius Enzo Del Rey

enzo 8 w 7328
8 week old.

Born 19 of Novemeber 2018
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius
Owner: Sandra and Anton Öjersjö

Pedigree >>


L-litter, born 1/9 2024, 3 males and 2 bitches
More Information >>
Shiny Sensation's Extreme Emations x Bellzelius Gossip Girl

K-litter, born 29/3 2023, 2 males and 5 bitches
More Information >>
Adagio Olive Drab x Bellzelius For Your Eyes Only
Bellzelius King Creole
Bellzelius King Legacy
Bellzelius Keen As Mustard
Bellzelius Keep On Truckin'
Bellzelius Kick Your Heels
Bellzelius Knockout
Bellzelius Know My Name 

J-litter, born 9/9 2022, 4 males and 1 bitch
More Information>>
Esedra Nearcos x Bellzelius Wotalotigot
Bellzelius Joy For Life
Bellzelius Joystick
Bellzelius Jump For Joy
Bellzelius Joybox
Bellzelius Joyride

I-litter, born 14/4 2022, 6 males and 2 bitches
More Information >>
Shiny Sensation's Two Weeks Notice x Bellzelius Luna De La Reina
Bellzelius Icebreaker
Bellzelius Iconic
Bellzelius Incognito
Bellzelius Independent Love
Bellzelius Instant Access
Bellzelius Iron Man
Bellzelius Icy Spicy
Bellzelius Itzy Bitzy

H-litter, born 22/03 2021, 4 males and 1 bitch
More Information >>
Bellzelius Nico Del Rey x Bellzelius You Are The One
Bellzelius Heartbreaker
Bellzelius Hidden Assets
Bellzelius High Five
Bellzelius Hold The Line
Bellzelius Hot Stuff

G-litter, born 01/12 2020, 2 males and 6 bitches
More Information >>
Bellzelius Nico Del Rey x Deep Impact X Bellzelius
Bellzelius Goodtime Charley
Bellzelius Grand Slam
Bellzelius Gentle Touch
Bellzelius Girl Next Door
Bellzelius Give Me Love
Bellzelius Good Vibration
Bellzelius Gossip Girl
Bellzelius Graphic Design

F-litter, born 04/10 2019, 6 males and 1 bitch
More infromation >>
Esedra Positano x Adagio Wotalotigot 
Bellzelius Firecracker
Bellzelius Famoso Panda
Bellzelius Funmaker 
Bellzelius Fast And Furious
Bellzelius Fortune Cookie
Bellzelius Fire Of Desire
Bellzelius For Your Eye Only

E-litter, born 19/11 2018, 3 males and 2 bitches
More information >>
C.I.B ITCH Esedra El Rey x Adagio Wotalotigot 
Bellzelius Enzo Del Rey
Bellzelius Nico Del Rey
Bellzelius Pepe Del Rey 
Bellzelius Ruby De La Reina
Bellzelius Luna De La Reina

D-litter, born 03/1 2018, 3 males and 1 bitch
More information >>
FI USH SE UCH Adagio Summer Burst x SE UCH Librium's Perfect Portrait
Bellzelius Could It Be Magic
Bellzelius Found Heaven
Bellzelius Rule The World
Bellzelius You Are The One

C-litter, born 15/4 2014, 2 males and 1 bitch
More information >>
C.I.B EE Ch FI Ch SE Ch Kaden Tikras Biciulis x Bellzelius Absolute Fabulous
Bellzelius Crouching Tiger
Bellzelius Chill Out
Bellzelius Chattanooga Choo Choo

B-litter, born 4/12 2011, 2 males and 3 bitches
More information >>
SE Ch HU Ch LT Ch JWW-08 Multatuli On The Top x SE Ch Tinkerbell Di Kristianden
Bellzelius Braveheart
Bellzelius Born This Way
Bellzelius Besserwisser
Bellzelius Blind Date
Bellzelius Bless You

A-litter, born 20/2 2009, 2 males and 1 bitch
More information >>

C.I.B BY Ch RU Ch UA Ch Dusha Moya Daemon x SE Ch Tinkerbell Di Kristianden
SE VCh Bellzelius Amore Il Capitano
Bellzelius Artu
Bellzelius Absolute Fabulous


Born 19/11 2018, 3 males and 2 bitch
C.I.B ITCH Esedra El Rey X Adagio Wotalotigot 

el rey


Bellzelius Enzo Del Rey  >>
Bellzelius Nico Del Rey >>
Bellzelius Pepe Del Rey  >>
Bellzelius  Ruby De La Reina >>
Bellzelius Luna De La Reina  >>


C.I.B SE Ch Dk Ch NO Ch SE LCCh KBH W-05 NO W-06 NO VW-14

Adagio She's The One "Daphne"

980A8465 1024x731

Born 1 of September 2002
Breeder Stefan Råghammar

Top veteran 2011
Top whippet bitch 2006
Top bitch # 3 2005
Top bitch # 6 2003

Pedigree >>


Adagio Just Whistle "Patsy"


Born 16 of February 2005
Breeder Stefan Råghammar

Pedigree >>

She's Madonna "Diva"

easter eggs 7226



Born 11 of June 2008
Breeder Morgan Slätt

Pedigree >>

Librium's Perfect Portrait "Nova"


Born 13 of October 2013
Breeder Gerd Rössland

Photos >>
Shows >>
Pedigree >>

Bellzelius You Are The One "Stella"

32 d 3182

Born 03 of January 2018
Breeder Morgan Slätt/Per Afzelius
Owner Morgan Slätt/Per Afzelius

Photos >>
Shows >>
Pedigree >>

23698784 1758257260914525 1848628020 o

Deep Impact x Bellzelius "Impa"

Born 01 of May 2016
Breeder Giulia Capri

Photos >>
Shows >>
Pedigree >>


Tinkerbell Di Kristianden

Tinkerbell Di Kristianden

Born 1 of March 2006
Breeder Izmaele Vezzoli


Bellzelius Absolute Fabulous

Bellzelius Absolut Fabulous

Born 2009-02-20
Breeder Per Afzelius


Norwinstars Only You


Born 2010-08-08
Breeder Marian Aas


Born 15/4 2014, 2 males and 1 bitch
C.I.B EE Ch FI Ch SE Ch Kaden Tikras Biciulis x Bellzelius Absolute Fabulous

Kaden Tikras

small Bellzelius Absolut Fabulous 1

Bellzelius Crouching Tiger
Bellzelius Chill Out
Bellzelius Chattanooga Choo Choo

Crouching Tiger 6m
Bellzelius Crouching Tiger 6 months

Chill Out
Bellzelius Chill Out

Cattanooga Choo Choo 9w
Bellzelius Chattanooga Choo Choo 9 weeks

About Bellzelius


My name is Per and I live in a small town, Landskrona, in the south part of Sweden. I live here with my dogs in a small house with a garden.

There have been some dogs in our family before, we had a Dobermann and that maybe explain my interest for the Miniature Pinscher.
I was searching on the web for appropriate breeders in Europe. and finally I found the kennel Di Kristianden in Italy. After a visit and the well apprehend of the owner, I decided to get a dog named Tinkerbell Di Kristianden.. We have been fortunated to make Tinkerbell Di Kristianden a Swedish Champion, a happy day in my life.

Next step after some pressure, and support from my friends, I have decided to start a small kennel in home environment. The joy of breeding in my opinion is to find good males with great bloodlines. I also think it is important as a new breeder to listen and learn from breeders with long experience. I want lots of things and I hope some of them can be fulfilled in my breeding.

I have decide to go further with my life and a new chapeter have start. Morgan Slätt came into my life with his beautifu whippets and also the knowledge about this wonderfull breed. So I will take a brake from breeding miniature pinscher and start up some thing new with whippets.

I bought in my first whippet 2016 Deep Impact for Bellzelius /breeder Giulia Capri,and a new chapetr In my kennel have start.


My name is Morgan In 2014 I met Per and in march 2015. I moved to Landskrona with my 4 whippets. Dogs / Sighthound have been a part of my life since mid 80's. My first own dog was a Borzoi from Carina & Clas Janson,kennel Tovarisjtj's , a bitch called Elena. I had Borzois for many years(and a smooth Foxrerier from Kennel Rottrivers) ,but in 2002 I got my first whippet and she's still going strong MultiCh  Adagio shes The One.And in 2004 my last Borzoi died and from that day I only have whippets.

Our breeding goals are:
Healthy dogs
Dogs that fit in the standard
Dogs with good mentality

I want our dogs to be the joy of your life and also be healthy. You can never guarantee a puppys future. but hopefully with a good start there will be opportunities. It is important to socialise and give your new family member a good start.

The puppies will be raised at our home, and socialised with other dogs and family members to get a good start for new owners.
Puppies will be ready for delivery at age of 8 to 9 weeks.

If you have any questions about my puppy plans, please call or write to us.

Per Afzelius & Morgan Slätt
Vårbruksgatan 9, 261 60 Landskrona, Sweden

Phone: +46 41825367 or +46 707225367
E-mail :This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Facebook >>


Born 4/12 2011, 2 males and 3 bitches
SE Ch HU Ch LT Ch JWW-08 Multatuli On The Top x SE Ch Tinkerbell Di Kristianden

small empty small Tinkerbell Di Kristianden

Bellzelius Braveheart
Bellzelius Born This Way
Bellzelius Besserwisser
Bellzelius Blind Date
Bellzelius Bless You

Bellzelius Besserwisser

blind date
Bellzelius Blind Date

Brave Heart
Bellzelius Braveheart

born this way 7w
Bellzelius Born This Way 7 weeks


Born 20/2 2009, 2 males and 1 bitch
C.I.B BY Ch RU Ch UA Ch Dusha Moya Daemon x SE Ch Tinkerbell Di Kristianden

Deamon small Tinkerbell Di Kristianden

SE VCh Bellzelius Amore Il Capitano
Bellzelius Artu
Bellzelius Absolute Fabulous

Absolute Fabulous
Bellzelius Absolute Fabulous

Bellzelius Braveheart

Bellzelius Brave Heart

Born 2011-12-04
Breeder Per Afzelius

Deep Impact x Bellzelius "Impa"

20.05.18 Nordskånska Kennelklubben Hässleholm Open Class 3  EXC Ck

13.05.18 Dansk Kennklubb Roskilde Open Class 2 EXC Ck Reserv CAC

12.05.18 Dansk Kennelklubb Roskilde Open Class 4 EXC Ck

 25.03.18 Myndeklubben Köge Open Class 1 EXC  Ck

impa 7052 impa malmö

IDC Malmö Deep Impact X Bellzelius 2 place in Intermediate class with CK

IMG 0429 impa
Danish Sighthound Club Ch Show in Köge, judge Carsten Birk (DK).
Impa won intermediate class with CK, she was shortlisted in the best bitch competition. Photo Jessica Bolander.


23698784 1758257260914525 1848628020 o

Lipzig WDS (DE) 12-11-2017 "Impa" (Deep Impact X Bellzelius) won intermediate class w VDH

22540049 10155641313201093 5835594053082943138 n
Hässleholm 21-10-17 Open Show"Impa" Deep Impact X Bellzelius was BOB and BIS

20840904 1646949415378644 2898713694354997798 n
Donauessingen Day 1"Impa" Deep Impact X Bellzelius was placed 5 with exc in Intermedia class

strömsholm 7006
Srömsholm Skokloster Summer Show 2017-07-30  "Impa" Deep Impact X Bellzelius was placed 1 with exc and CK BOS in junior class.

impa 980A3354 result
Hässleholm SvVK 2017-05-20 Judge : Wayman Helen "Impa" Deep Impact X Bellzelius was placed 1 with exc and CK BOS in junior class.

gallery 980A9359
My Dog in Gothenburg,judge Hans Almgren. Impa(Deep Impact X Bellzelius) won Best Puppy.Did not participate in the puppy BIS.

14344133 10154405137621093 9092428751943780649 n
Impa won best minor puppy, judge Marie Gadolin (Hound's), and ended the day as BIS-3 minor puppy, judge Roberto Forsoni Italy.

Librium's Perfect Portrait "Nova"


skk eslöv 8633 nova
Nova BOB and BIG 3 Eslöv 2016-09-10

SR bob bos 980A1596 Nova
Nova BOS Hässleholm 2016-05-21

980A7867 Nova bir malmö
Nova BOB Malmö 2015-03-29


Adagio Wotalotigot "Cozy"



Librium's Perfect Portrait "Nova"

nova 3902

easter eggs 7199

nova 980A8137



980A8898 nova

nova 980A8216 nova

980A8234 nova



Deep Impact x Bellzelius "Impa"


impa 4047

easter eggs 7204


171102 0335 impa ids
Impa WDS Leipzig Intermedia winner

impa 980A8052 15m
Impa 15 month

 7.5m 980A9291 impa
Impa 7.5 month

6m 980A7755

5m 980A7328 impa 

0827 980A4749 4 m
Impa 4 month



Born 03/01 2018, 3 males and 1 bitch
FI UCH SE UCH Adagio Summer Burst x SE UCH Librium's Perfect Portrait

marwin 980A1356

nova 980A1587

Bellzelius  Could It Be Magic >>
Bellzelius  Found Heaven >>
Bellzelius Rule The World >>
Bellzelius You Are The One >>


Adagio Wotalotigot "Cozy"


Born 13 of September 2015
Breeder Stefan Råghammar

Photos >>
Shows >>
Pedigree >>

 Bellzelius You Are The One "Stella

23.03.19 Köge Danish Sighthound Club Show Best Junior Bitch with junior cac.

galleri 0975


14/10 svvk Enköping 
enköping 5071



20/5 SvVk / Södra  Hässleholm 2 Place Puppy Class
stella 8992

26/5 Greyhoundklubben Laröd  Inoff BIS 2 
stella 9987


Bellzelius Could It Be Magic "Brindi"

32 d 3118 brindi

Born 03 of January 2018
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius
Owner: Gerd Rössland Kennel Librium's

Photos >>
Shows >>
Pedigree >>

 Bellzelius Could It Be Magic "Brindi"

32 d 3118 brindi


 Bellzelius Could It Be Magic "Brindi"



8 v 5094 brindie
Brindie 8 week

7 2 v 4899 brindie
Brindie 7 week

37 d 4262 partie 6v
Brindi 6 week

5 v 3282 partie
Brindi 5 weeks old.

32 d 3118 brindi 


Bellzelius Found Heaven "Alf"

32 d 3020 Alf

Born 03 of January 2018
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius
Owner:Cecilia Viamore

Photos >>
Shows >>
Pedigree >>

 Bellzelius Found Heaven "Alf"

alf 3401 8 months
8 months

7 months 2310 Alf
7 months

alf 0827 6 months
6 months

easter eggs 7177
3 months old

11 v 6841 alf
Alf 11 weeks


8 v 5200 alf
Alf 8 week 

7 2 v 4765 alf
Alf 7 week

5 v 3409 alf
Alf 6 week

6 v 3888 alf 6v
Alf 5 weeks old.

32 d 3020 Alf 

 Bellzelius Found Heaven "Alf"

32 d 3020 Alf


Bellzelius Rule The World "Sheldon"

174628969 10159187861866093 1284936101855520343 n
Photo: Jessica Bolander

Born 03 of January 2018
Breeder Morgan Slätt / Per Afzelius
Owner: Sanne Skafar/Kim Svensson Skärpe

Photos >>
Shows >>
Pedigree >>

 Bellzelius Rule The World "Sheldon"

175571956 10159494708686340 5033553813943672293 n

sheldon 7604
1 year old.

sheldon 4437 8 months
8 moths

7 months 2274 sheldon
7 months

sheldon 1348 6 months
6 moths

bruce 8769 4 mån
4 months


sheldon 7614 3månader
3 moths old 


8 v 5373 partie
Partie 8 week

 7 v 4470 partie

Partie 7 week

6 v 3745 partie 6v
Partie 6 week

5 v 3232 partie

Partie 5 weeks old

32 d 3059 partie