Per Afzelius & Morgan Slätt
Landskrona, Sweden
Phone: +46 707225367
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Bellzelius N Litter

Bellzelius Itzy Bitzy BIS

Bellzelius M-litter

Valpkull M
We’re happy to announce the arrival of Bellzelius M-litter, 21/10/2024 Mini gave birth to 7 puppies, 2 boys and 5 girls, by Hudson . Thank you Anna-Carina-Zerfass let us use this handsome boy. Mum and puppies are doing great! Link to TWA:
IDS in Rönne Bornholm Denmark

IDS in Rönne Bornholm Denmark 17-8

Photo Torben Blach

So so happy Nike won group ten judged by Svante Frisk, In the BIS, judged by Börge Espeland, she was not placed but I’m so proud of the way she performed. Photo by our travel partner Anna Stridh,
Borås EDS
Back home from yet another successful show, Borås NDS, 41 entered adult whippets were judged by breed specialists Åke Cronander (Albicans). Our young Nike (C.I.B.-J SE UCH DK UCH Bellzelius Icy Spicy) entered for the first time in champion class and won BOB (we did not stay for the group) and her uncle Nico (Bellzelius Nico Del Rey) from open class Exc3 with CK, thank you to the judge!
Bellzelius L-litter

Bellzelius Kick Your Heels
We had a nice visit from Madde and Soya (Bellzelius Kick Your Heels)
Myndeklubbens utställning , Vejen Denamrk

Swedish Whippet Clubs open show in Smålandstenar
Swedish Whippet Clubs open show in Smålandstenar! Our Nike (C.I.B.-J SE UCH Bellzelius Icy Spicy) won specialty BEST IN SHOW, her grandmother Cozy (SE VW-2023 C.I.B.-V DK Veteran CH Adagio Wotalotigot) won from senior class best female 5 and BIS senior and her uncle Nico (Bellzelius Nico Del Rey) was second in open class and fourth best male! Thank you to the judge, a long time and very devoted breeder, Kicki Sandell (Zelig Whippets)
Viking Dog Show Ronneby
Wow what a day, at the IDS in Ronneby our Nike (C.I.B.-J Bellzelius Icy Spicy) won EXC1 with CK in a huge open class, best female, CAC, new Swedish Champion, CACIB and BOB. 79 whippets entered under judge Ivo Beccarelli from Switzerland, thank you!
Nikes uncle Nico (Bellzelius Nico Del Rey, 2 CAC in Sweden and 1 CAC in Denmark) made us proud too, he was second in open class with CK only beaten by his son Del (House Of Cards Blackjack Of Del Rey) who won the CAC and yet anorther CAC next day to finish his Swedish and Danish Championship, congratulations to owners and breeder.
House Of Cards Blackjack Of Del Rey, new Swedish and Danish Champion

Ströby Denmark Sighthound speciality 🇩🇰

IDS Fredericia Denmark 🇩🇰

Bellzelius Joyride

Gothenburg IDS 14 Jan

Växsjö IDS 3 Nov

Rostock IDS

Bellzelius Hot Stuff

Vårgårda Whippet Club Show 17 aug

Lund Sighthound clubshow 16 aug

Lund Sighthound clubshow 16 aug

Askersund SKK 13 aug

Poland Szczein 24 Juni

In off Trelleborg 6 juni

Italy Viterbo 2 June

Hässleholm SKK 14 May

Hässleholm SKK 14 May

Hässleholm SvVK 13 Maj

Kristiansand NKK IDS

Bellzelius Itzy Bitzy

Bellzelius K litter

Top whippet in Sweden 2022

J-Litter For Sale
Specialklub Udstilling Assentoft

Ljungskile Nat 28-Aug

SvVK Lund 27-aug

Nordic Dog Show 13-14 augusti

Nordic dog show 30-31 juli 2022 Ransäter
Wow, Luna (Bellzelius Luna De La Reina) delivers again At todays Nordic champ show in Ransäter she won best bitch with Nordic CAC and BOB 60 whippets entered, judge Moray Armstrong GB, thank you. Nico (Bellzelius Nico Del Rey)exc2 with CK and best male 3. We won best breeders group 1/3, what a day
Bellzelius J-Litter
Nationell hundutställning 8 juli 2022 Tvååker
Wow, wow, wow what an amazing day at SKC champ show in Tvååker, Luna went all the way to BOB and Nico was second best dog with reserve CAC (+80 whippets entered) judge Wieslava Misterka-Kluska Poland,
Hässleholm Dog Show 22 May
Thank you Jessika Granborg for this photo of Nico (Bellzelius Nico Del Rey) winning his first CAC. Thank you judge Ingrid Krah-Heiermann (High On Emotion whippets Germany).
Bellzelius I-Litter
Wow, what a day Our first home bred champion, Bellzelius Luna De La Reina “Luna” won her crowning CAC at today’s show in Denmark, best bitch CAC CACIB Cph-winner and BOS. Judge Saija Juutilainen from Finland, Thank you. Young ”Mini” Bellzelius Hot Stuff won best baby and ”Chip” Bellzelius Fire Of Desire won EXC1 with Ck in intermediate class and best male 2 with res-CAC and res-CACIB
Swedish sighthound club south

Int Show Vejen 2021
Luna BOB with CAC and CACIB and Crufts qualified for 2022. Photo Torben Blach.
Nico and Luna
Gothenburg Dogshow 2020.01.05-06
Back home from the SKC show called MyDog in Gothenburg, we showed Nico and Luna and they made us so proud. Yesterday Nico was placed EXC2 with cq in junior class and the same for Luna, judges Tiina Taulos (junior bitches) and Nenne Runsten. Today Nico was placed EXC2 with cq and reserv-CAC and Luna won a huge junior class with cq and best bitch 4 with reserv-CAC and best junior judges Knut Sigurd Wihlberg (junior males) and Bertil Lundgren, we didn't stay for the BIS-junior final. This show was qualifying for Crufts 2021 and Luna got her ticket.
Roskilde DK Sighthundclub Ch show 07/09/2019
Luna was Exc1 with ck and junior CAC,second best bitch with CAC and to top it off she went all the way to BIS junior. Judge Mikael Nilsson
BIS judge Jocelyn M Gagne from Canada
Bellzelius F-Litter
Swedish Whippet club Munka Ljungby 20190901
Luna best bitch, BIS Junior and BEST IN SHOW! Judge: Anna-Karin Widen, Fornix whippets.
Photo Ulf Johansson
Swedish sighthound club Munka Ljungby 20190831
Luna second best bitch out of 40 with CAC and BIS junior. Judge Dr Jerry Klein USA.
photo Dan G W Hansson
Ljungskile SKK 20190825
SKC nat show, Luna Exc1 with CK and best bitch 4 with reserv-CAC, judge Ann-Christin Johansson Sweden.
Ronneby SKC 20190811
SKC nat show in Ronneby, Nico best puppy, judge Tom Hehir, Ireland.
Photo Richard Nörrelökke
Strömsholm Swedish Sighthound club "Skokloster summer show" 20190728
Swedish sighthound club ch show in Strömsholm, Luna best puppy and BIS-2 puppy, judges Helen Wayman (Scarlettfair, UK) breed and Erin Brown (Australia) BIS.
Strömsholm Swedish Whippet club Notional Speciality 20190727
Strömsholm Luna BOB/BIS puppy Judge Joanne Boudreault Kennel Forgetmenot Canada
SKK Tvååker 20190712
SKK Tvååker Luna BOB puppy and BIS 3 puppy, judges Tim Finney (Ireland) breed and Gunilla Skallman (Sweden) BIS.
Deep Impact for Bellzelius was Exc1 with CK and best bitch 4 with reserve-CAC, judge Arnaldo Cotugno (Sobresalto, Italy).
Nörresundby Myndeklubben 20190607
Luna BOB puppy and NIco BOS puppy. Luna ended the day as BIS puppy Judge Bart Scheerens Kennel Boxing Helena, Belgium.
SvGK Laröd
Stella (Bellzelius You Are The One) surprised us by winning BOB, BIG-1 and BIS, judges Roberto Posa and Anna Friberg.
SvGK Laröd
Greta (Bellzelius Ruby De La Reina) BIS-2 puppy with owner Lina Nowak and judge Roberto Posa.
Hässleholm Sighthound show
Cozy (Adagio Wotalotigot) won open class with CK and ended the day as second best bitch with CAC
Hässleholm Sighthound show
We had a great day in Hässleholm at SvVK.s Ch show judged by Roberto Posa (CH), Luna (Bellzelius Luna De La Reina) won BIS baby (judge Darko Petreski),
Padenghe Sighthound show
This boy continues to make us proud. In Italy at the sighthound specialty in Padenghe he won best baby and BIS-2 baby. Breed judge Patsy Gilmour (Courthill) GB and BIS judge Csilla Juhasz H.
Köge Danish Sighthound show
Nico ( Bellzelius Nico Del Rey ) won best baby and later BIS Puppy in Show,Luna (Luna Del La Reina ) was best baby bitch
Bellzelius Luna De La Reina
Luna 3 months old.
Bellzelius Nico Del Rey
Nico 3 months old.
Bellzelius E-litter new families.

Vilgots new owner.

Pepe with his new owner.

Greta with part of her new family.
Bellzelius E-litter
Deep Impact X Bellzelius
Danish Sighthound Club Ch Show in Köge, judge Carsten Birk (DK).
Impa won intermediate class with CK, she was shortlisted in the best bitch competition.

Photo Jessica Bolander
Deep Impact X Bellzelius
Deep Impact X Bellzelius "Impa"
Leipzig (DE) WDS intermediate class winner.
Breeder Giulia Capri
Owner Per Azelius/Morgan Slätt
Deep Impact X Bellzelius "Impa" 1 year old 2017-05-01
"Impa" Deep Impact X Bellzelius 1 year old.
Hässleholm SvVK 20/05/2017
Hässleholm SvVK 2017-05-20 Judge : Wayman Helen
"Impa" Deep Impact X Bellzelius was placed 1 with exc and CK BOS in junior class.
Utställnings resultat Deep Impact X Bellzelius
2017-02-11 Danish Kenneclub Fredricia Deep Impact X Bellzelius Exc 2 CK Junior class judge:Kim Vigsö Nilsen
2017-03-18 Myndeklubben Köge Deep Impact X Bellzelius Exc 2 Ck Junior class judge:Thomaz Kuszyk
2017-03-19 Malmö Deep Impact X Bellzelius Exc 3 Junior class judge:Uppström Annica
2017-04-30 Hässleholm Deep Impact X Bellzelius VG Junior class judge:Åge Gjetnes
2017-05-21 Hässleholm Deep Impact X Bellzelius Exc 2 Junior class judge:Runsten Nenne
2017-05-20 Hässleholm Deep Impact X Bellzelius Exc 1 Ck Junior class BOS judge:Wyman Helen
2017-05-27 Myndeklubben Vejen Deep Impact X Bellzelius Exc 4 Junior class judge:Kresten Scheel
2017-05-28 Myndeklubben Vejen Deep Impact X Bellzelius Exc Junior class judge:Birte Scheel
Stacked Picture
"Impa" Deep Impact X Bellzelius
"Cozy"Adagio Wotalotigot
"Nova" Libriums's Perfect Portrait
"Diva" She's Madonna
Fredericia IDS 11/02/2017
.Fredericia IDS,judge Kim Vigse Nielsen
"Impa" Deep Impact X Bellzelius was placed 2 with exc and CK in junior class.
"Cozy"Adagio Wotalotigot was placed 2 with exc and CK in Intermediate class.
"Nova" Libriums's Perfect Portrait was placed 3 with exc and CK in open class and 4 best female.
My Dog Gothenburg 06012017
My Dog in Gothenburg,judge Hans Almgren.
"Nova" Libruims Perfect Potrait was placed 3.rd with exc and CK in a large open class.
My Dog Gothenburg 06012017
My Dog in Gothenburg,judge Hans Almgren.
Impa(Deep Impact X Bellzelius) won Best Puppy.Did not participate in the puppy BIS.
Impa almost 7months old
Deep Impact X Bellzelius almost 7 months old
Bellzelius Magic Mike
Bellzelius Magic Mike
11 week
10 week
8.5 week
8 week
40 day
31 day
25 day
2 week
Bellzelius Meastro Of Mirth
Bellzelius Meastro Of Mirth
8.5 week
8 week
40 day
25 day
2 week
Bellzelius Minted Gold
Bellzelius Minted Gold
8 week
40 day
31 day
25 day
2 week
Bellzelius Magnifilent Mini Me
Bellzelius Magnifield Mini Me
10 week
8.5 week
8 week
40 day
31 day
25 day
2 week
Bellzelius Marqued For Glory
Bellzelius Marqued For Glory
8 week
40 day
31 day
25 days
2 week
Bellzelius March To Victory
Bellzelius March To Victory
8 week
40 day
31 day
25 days
2 week
Bellzelius Make Money Honey
Bellzelius Make Money Honey
11 week
10 week
8.5 week
8 week
40 day
31 day
25 days
2 week
Danish sight hound club show Nyborg
Star for today was Adagio Wotalotigot "Cozy", she won a big junior class w club CAC and ended up as best bitch 2 w reserve CAC
Librium's Perfect Portrait "Nova" was shortlisted in a huge open class
Deep Impact X Bellzelius Impa" was 3 best puppy
Impa 6 months
Impa 6 months
Librium's Perfect Portrait "Nova"
Nova have her Birthday today, 3 years old.
Deep Impact X Bellzelius todays training
Todays training.
Lund, Sighthound Club show, September
Today we went to a sighthound club show and Impa did us all very proud, she won best minor puppy, judge Marie Gadolin (Hound's), and ended the day as BIS-3 minor puppy, judge Roberto Forsoni Italy!
Impa is officially known as Deep Impact for Bellzelius and is bred by Giulia Capri in Italy, thank you Giulia for this little jewel, she's more than we ever could ask for!
Tvååker 9/7 2016
Nova EXC-2 in open class
Cozy EXC-3 in junior class